Sunday, May 2, 2010


The Warriors: The Eternal Storm was completed yesterday, and what a great accomplishment it was. Last night I started proofreading, adding extra things to make it less choppy and prevent it from going too fast, and taking out things that were unnecessary. I even moved a few scenes around thinking it was better to place them elsewhere while keeping to the flow of the story.

I am not quite finished yet as proofreading can be a long and tedious process. But upon finishing, I am submitting it to several literary agents with my fingers crossed. Wish me luck!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nearly there!

So after three years of vigorous writing, plotting, planning, and stressing, The Warriors: The Eternal Storm is nearly complete. I am right now at the epilogue, the final chapter in the novel. I've come a long way in this story, throwing a lot of elements such as drama, action, crime, and then some.

The Warriors face a lot of outside challenges that we all face in today's real world. Often it hits close to home when we realize, hey that character is going through what I went through. There is much sadness and heartache in the story, as well as the desire to literally want to strangle a few characters.

The story itself only partly focuses on the main them, which involves a friend being abducted. But it mostly focuses on the Warriors themselves and their own struggles.

A possible synopsis:

What do you do when your whole world begins to suddenly crash around you? Things seem to fall far from the reach of your hands, and life itself seems to be nothing more than a mockery. You struggle with the concepts of why bad stuff always seems to happen to good people, and you want to do nothing more than to beat your fists against the walls, shout angrily to the world, and later hide yourself away.

At the same time you struggle through these emotions caused by an unwanted rift in life, you learn a very good friend of yours has been abducted. You want to rescue him immediately, but are told you can't, you need more training. But during the training, you're suddenly faced with obstacles that seem to appear from nowhere. Pulling at you, taunting you, pushing you back. All you want is to rescue your friend and get life back to normal.

For the Warriors this is exactly their struggle. Their friend is kidnapped, and their entire lives turn upside down in one hellish encounter after another. A near abduction, an attempted robbery, a family affair, and near death experiences have them spinning with emotions they have trouble facing.

Through it all, they are pushed to their limits, and realize the only way they can stay on track is by leaning one another for support and pushing their way through impassable walls. By overcoming their own problems, they are able to free themselves. But is freeing themselves enough to free their friend? Can they find the strength to rescue him? And what about the people of San Francisco whose lives suddenly end up in their hands?

Stay tuned for more information.
Also, if you are a literary agent and can prove it, and wish to have a look at the manuscript, send me a comment. :)